Yummy 2048

Opis gry: Yummy 2048

It is a variation of the 2048 game with deluxe design and 2 power-ups. Slide and combine the tiles with Food Items to explore new ones. Keep combining to get newer items. To qualify, you must get at least 11 type of food items. For better score you get go deeper. The innovations are the two power-ups: You get 3 chances to re-group the similar Food items in adjacent position, and 3 chances to re-shuffle the board when you get stuck. The game is won when you reach the 11 food items, but thanks to the power-ups, you can go beyond and try to get higher food items, up to no. 20. Another feature is the SAVE button, and the auto-save after reaching a new Food Items. You can continue a game at any time from that SAVE or AUTO-SAVE point. Instructions: Use the arrow-keys to slide all the blocks on the board in one direction, horizontally or vertically and thus combine similar adjacent Food Items, or you can click on any side of screen to do the same. The power-ups: The Re-Group button re-groups similar Food Items on the board two times in a game, the Shuffle button re-shuffles the figures when you are stuck and have no moves left, five times in a game.

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